Wednesday, August 4, 2021

A COVID Apology from the Media

In an extraordinary statement the chief editor of Bild, the largest German newspaper, apologizes for harming young people and especially children with all the scaremongering over COVID.   The apology  is a blunt admission of the harms caused by the media and government.  He says:

"Millions of children in this country, for whom we are all responsible as a society, I would like to say what our Federal Government and our Chancellor have not dare to say so far: We ask your forgiveness. We ask your forgiveness for a year and a half of politics, who sacrificed you."

The statement, which is in German but with English subtitles, is available here.  

This blog has pointed out on several occasions that high cost of the lockdowns and the fearmongering of the media and the political class.  Let's hope that the statement by Reichelt is a crack in the wall of media disinformation about COVID and its consequences for the population.