Thursday, August 17, 2023

New Survey Shows Gen Z is Remarkably Career Focused


There's a new survey on the career goals and higher education needs of Gen Z high schoolers out from Question the Quo.  The results show that younger Americans are very much focused on their careers and the practical education requirements necessary to achieve those goals.  

Findings were published in June 2023.  Fieldwork was done in January 2023.

Some high level takeaways from their January 2023 survey.  

- 65 percent think that some education after high school is necessary however 52 percent are considering a four year college, down from 65 percent in their February 2020 survey.  The letter follows a general decline in perceived value of a four year college experience and degree among the general population.

- Interest in community college, on-the-job training and career and technical education are all up from February 2020.

- Students eel unprepared for the next step.  Only 13 percent feel prepared for their next step after high school.  

- 63 percent say that they need more guidance on managing their finances.  

I personally am a big advocate for financial education.  There was a bill put forth in the Wisconsin legislature that would require some form of financial education in high schools.  Unfortunately, that bill was not enacted.   

- 53 percent want more formalized learning throughout their lives, up from 46 percent in 2021.  

Opportunities for formalized learning throughout one's career are important.  

My own view is that the Baby Boom generation, of which I am a part, was not good (or motivated) to develop others.  The Baby Boom was a large generation.  When generations are large, there's more competition for opportunities.  

The jobs website Indeed points out the competitive nature of the Baby Boomers.         

Up and coming generations are smaller and more interested in getting along rather than getting ahead.  This has virtues as well as drawbacks.  Nevertheless, successful employers need to meet their workers where they are and adapt to their desires.  Opportunities for life-long learning are one such area where employers need to step up their game.