Monday, February 21, 2022

Good News: A Majority of Young Canadians Support the Right to Protest of the Freedom Convoy Truckers

A new poll by the Angus Reid institute, a non-profit public opinion research organization, shows that a majority of young Canadians support the right of Freedom Convoy truckers to express themselves.

Support among young Canadians is much higher than among the old. 

The survey asked Canadians whether they felt that the right to protest outweighed the economic disruptions from the protest.  Results by age and gender appear below:

The results are both surprising and encouraging. 

Surprising because young people are often viewed as more supportive of authoritarian measures than the old. 

Encouraging because, at least on this issue, a solid majority of young Canadians support freedom of expression.  In that context, the results of the Angus Reid poll are very good news indeed. 

The authoritarian crackdown of the Trudeau should be revulsive to anyone who believes in free expression and individual rights.  Trudeau is revealing himself as nothing more than a pretty, elitist dictator. 

The Trudeau regime has instigated violence against protesters, trampled innocent civilians with horses, and frozen the bank accounts of thousands of supporters of the protests.

And then there is the blatant hypocrisy of Canada’s boy Prime Minister who swooned for Black Lives Matter but uses the jack-booted power of the state to crush peaceful protests by ordinary working-class Canadians.  

Hopefully, young Canadians will lead the charge for freedom in Canada.  Unlike their elders, young Canadians appear to have their heads on straight.