Twenty percent of 18-24 year-olds in Britain tell pollsters at the Sunday Times that they liked or strongly liked the lockdowns as do 22 percent of 25-34 year-olds. This is the highest of any age group. Only 7 percent of those 65 and up liked the lockdowns.
For many the lockdowns seem like a long summer vacation and with the added subsidies from underemployment payments, a long summer vacation with an allowance.
But going forward, it is the younger generation that is going to bear the costs of the trillions of dollars, pounds and euros blown not only on lockdowns measures but also the massive amount of pork tucked in so-called COVID relief bills as well as lost future earnings from labor market scarring.
Perhaps it is a good thing that at least some young people enjoyed the lockdowns because they are going to be paying for them for the rest of their lives.