Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Harvard Poll: Stressed-Out Gens Y and Z Heavily Favor Biden

New poll from Harvard University's Institute of Politics shows that Americans aged 18-29 are unhappy with the government and favor Biden over Trump by 2-1.  Most young people think that government is not doing what it is supposed to do:
Although fewer than 10% believe the country is working as it should be, a majority of young Americans prefer reform over the replacement of current institutions. When asked whether they believed America’s current institutions were working as needed, only 8% of young Americans agreed. A majority (51%) of them believed reform to present institutions was necessary to address existing problems, and about two in five preferred replacing all institutions and creating an entirely new model.
The problem is that Biden is going to be giving them more of the government that they don't see as working.  A vote for Biden is a vote to keep the deep state in place.  There is a reason that 94 percent of Washington voted for Clinton--because she was going to maintain status quo big government.  And in the fall, likely 94 percent of Washington will vote for Biden (or whomever the Democrats nominate in the end) for the exact same reason.  You don't get change or reform by putting the same people in charge.