Monday, February 27, 2012

Why the GOP Shouldn't Write Off the Milennial Vote

A new Harvard Survey shows that the votes of young people in 2012 are up for grabs.  In a trial heat against Mitt Romney, young people between 18 and 29 favor Obama by a mere 11 point margin over Mitt Romney (37% Obama to 26% for Romney).  That's a far cry from the 2-1 margin by which younger voters favored Obama over McCain.  The survey also found that a majority of young people believe that Obama will lose the election.     

On the issues (toplines here) Millennials disapprove of Obama's handling of the federal budget (30% approve, 67% disapprove) and the economy (32% approve, 65% disapprove).  Millennials even give Obama a thumbs down on his signature issue: health care (43% approve, 54% disapprove).

Will this be the year the GOP finally connects again with younger voters?