Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Canada’s Conservatives Are Attracting Gen Z Voters. What Can Republicans Learn from Them?

The Republican party lags far behind the Democrats in attracting young voters.  What is the Canadian Conservative Party doing right and the Republican Party doing wrong

Polling data from Canada shows that the Conservative Party has a significant lead among Gen Zs and Millennials over Justin Trudeau’s ruling Liberal Party. 

A June 2023 Ipsos poll puts Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives at 37 percent overall compared top 32 percent for the Liberal Party. 

Importantly, Conservatives are ahead among Canadians of every generation. 

Conservatives have an 18 point lead over the Liberal Party among Gen Z and a 1 point lead among Millennials. 

This is enough for a huge swing in Canadian politics.  Like the United States, Canada has a first past-the-post electoral system control requires only winning the most seats, not a majority of the overall vote since Canada has a multiparty system.  Trudeau’s ruling Liberals only got 33 percent in the last Canadian federal election but that was sufficient to form a governing coalition.   

Contrast that with the United States.  Sixty-five percent of voters 30 and younger voted for the Democrats in 2022, up from 62 percent in 2020. 

Young voters were the key to the Democrats maintaining control of the U.S. Senate in 2022.  Were it not for younger voters, Republicans would now control both houses of Congress. 

Young people are fed up with Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the relics governing our country.  A New York Times survey found that only one percent of 18 to 29 year-olds strongly approve of the job that Joe Biden’s been doing.  That’s one percent. 

Yet the Republican Party badly trails among younger voters and has no identifiable plans or strategy for outreach to twenty- and thirty-somethings. 

For a glimpse at what Canadian Conservatives are doing right, here’s Jordan Peterson’s interview with Pierre Poilievre

Lesson 1: Communicate.  Notice how clearly and calmly Poilievre speaks.  Contrast that with Joe Biden’s mumblings or Kamala Harris’s word salads.  Bureaucratic speak and empty talking point won’t do it.  Younger voters want leaders that communicate in language the average person can understand. 

Lesson 2: Have principles.  Poilievre’s statement on the importance of the free market is more forthright than anything that’s come from a Republican politician since Ronald Reagan.  The Republican Party needs candidates that can speak to free market economics or other conservative ideals with the same passion as Mr. Poilievre. 

Lesson 3: Be for change.  Poilievre clearly contrasts the Conservative agenda with the of the ruling Liberals.  Young Americans are looking for change too.  Surveys show that more than 90 percent of young Americans are either angry or frustrated with the federal government. 

Lesson 4: Have an agenda for younger voters.  Notice how Poilievre talks about housing costs and job opportunity—two issues of core concern for younger voters.  being against won’t do it.  The Republican Party needs an agenda that speaks specifically to the concerns of twenty- and thirty-year-old Americans. 

Republican politicians and operatives should look to Canada as a model on how to broaden the base by brining younger voters into the coalition.  If not, Republicans will find itself in the political wilderness, unable to win elections or influence the future direction of the 

Monday, July 17, 2023

China’s Youth Unemployment Problem Provides More Evidence That Socialism Doesn’t Work


Karl Marx wrote that communism would solve the unemployment problem created by capitalism.  Evidence from China shows he had it backwards.

In 1847 Marx wrote: 

“Big industry constantly requires a reserve army of unemployed workers for times of overproduction. The main purpose of the bourgeois in relation to the worker is, of course, to have the commodity labour as cheaply as possible, which is only possible when the supply of this commodity is as large as possible in relation to the demand for it, i.e., when the overpopulation is the greatest.”

But does his critique of capitalism hold? 

China provides a natural experiment.  Were Marx correct that socialism solves the unemployment problem then we’d expect to see little or no unemployment in China. 

China is the world largest communist regime.  The Chinese Communist Party has been in power for 74 years.  Surely they must have gotten it right by now. 

Well, not so much.

The figure below contains the unemployment rate for young Chinese (between 16 and 24).  Their reported unemployment rate is almost 20 percent.  And since the Chinese government often fudges its figures, the actual youth unemployment rate may well be far higher. 


Compare that to the United States.  Youth unemployment in the United States never got above 20 percent.


This comparison show that socialism, even when practiced in its most extreme form (communism), doesn’t solve the unemployment problem.  In fact, it makes it worse.

The figure below contains average unemployment rates among young people between the ages of 20 and 34 for the advanced countries of the world (OECD member countries) over the past ten years.

The chart clearly shows that unemployment rates are lower in countries with economies that are closer to the capitalist economic model (more economic freedom) than those with larger public sectors and more regulation (less economic freedom).


Bottom line: socialism fails young people wherever its been tried.  And that’s a fact.   


Saturday, July 8, 2023

America’s Core Problem: Those with The Least Pride in the USA Control All its Major Institutions


Gallup recently asked about pride in America.  The results show a large gap between the parties with Republicans having much more pride in America than Democrats.  So isn’t it a problem that the people with the least pride in the USA control all of our major institutions?  You bet it is. 

The fundamental rule of management is that you want the people at the top to be dedicated and enthusiastic about the organization and its mission.  If you are in business, you want the CEO to be a relentless optimist, a cheerleader for the company.  How confident or dedicated would you be in your work if the CEO of your company were constantly running down the organization?  Not too much I suspect.

Or consider your house of worship.  You wouldn’t want your parish priest, rabbi or pastor to be a non-believer or atheist.  Unless it’s clear that the leader passionately believes, followers won’t believe or follow either.  The pews will be empty. 

However, when it comes to America’s major institutions, the fundamental rule of management is turned on its head.

The people that control all the major institutions of American life are the people that have the least pride in the United States of America. 

Below are the results from Gallup regarding pride in America.  Barely half of all Democrats are very or extremely proud to be American versus 84 percent of Republicans.

Or looked at it another way, 48 percent of Democrats are just so-so on the country we live in.  They say “meh” about the USA.  

Yet the Democrats that control all our major institutions: Hollywood, the media, higher education, primary education, the arts, administrative government and in the last few years the military and big business too. 

Ponder this: In the 2020 presidential election, Democrats received 92 percent of the vote in the District of Columbia.  That percentage is far higher than in any state (next was Vermont at 66 percent).  If DC Democrats are like Democrats nationally (if anything, DC Democrats are more liberal) then it’s likely the case the bureaucrats that run our national government have less pride in the country than any comparably sized group anywhere in the United States.  How messed up is that?

The reason that most Americans believe that the country is on the wrong track is that the wrong people, the people with the least pride in the USA, are the ones running every major institution in America. 

We need to get back to management rule number one; have people that believe in and take pride in America be the ones in control of our major institutions if America is ever to be a great country again.